Midnight fear
Final Girls Berlin Film Festival
Sechs Horroshorts für Hartgesottene, von Frauen für Alle. Ausgewählt von den Horrorprofis aus Berlin, Aus den Shorts-Kategorien ihrer Festivaledition von 2024. Horror hags/Family Horror/Workplace Horror/Tech horror/Absurd & surreal horror. Alle Filme in Original mit englischen Untertiteln.
Die Vorstellungen der Rolle “Midnight Fear” laufen am Samstag und am Sonntag jeweils im Lichtspielkino.
Olga’s Eyes
Sarah Carlot Jaber
Spielfilm | BEL 2023 | 22 Min
Olga, a music-loving octogenarian, is tired of killing humans. Could it be the vampire blues? For her daughter Simone, she’s just being picky! Olga is placed in a care home where she can deal with those “who have one foot in the grave”...
Said of a deer that’s shed its antlers
Salomé Crickx
Spielfilm | BEL 2023 | 20 Min
A rural dystopia with a wacky nihilism that takes us to the heart of the annual Shedding ceremony, where the old is discarded to make way for the new.
Ten of Swords
Faye Jackson
Spielfilm | GB 2023 | 16 Min
Jay wakes up dead - obviously murdered - and discovers that everything the agency told him about becoming a zombie was a lie.
Bowling 4 Eva
Animation | US 2023 | 14 Min
A troubled teen girl spends her time trolling men online and bowling with her grandfather while becoming increasingly medicated.
Content warning: suicide
FCK’N Nuts
Spielfilm | US 2023 | 12 Min
Sandy is grievously forced to break it off with the boy of her dreams in order to avert him from meeting her unusual parents.
All is Lost
Carla Pereira, Juanfran Jacinto
Animation | ESP 2022 | 7 Min
The Pérez are an almost normal family, albeit with somewhat dysfunctional behaviour. The couple is considering fertilising an egg she laid last night.